Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tired Phrases

“Celebrate what you want to see more of.”
– Tom Peters

People never believe me when I say this, but I don't really care much for sleep.  I find it disruptive to the agenda I'd rather get to, and quite frankly I am not good at it.  So it's something I do on a necessary basis, say on average around six hours a night and a rare nap about once a month. I am not always sure what I do with the other 18 hours, save for the work day, but they seem to disappear quickly.  This is coming from an average twentysomething.  I'm gainfully employed but not yet a top executive; I am involved but not a yet a board member to anything; I have a substantial amount of friends and family but am not near socialite status.  All of this considered is why I never allow myself to feel tired.

Yet many people in St. Louis do let themselves become exhausted based on all of that criteria or less.  At least this is what I can surmise when phrases like "well it's St. Louis so we're always a year or so behind" or "there's not always a ton going on here" are constantly being repeated.  These are tired phrases.  We live in a day-in-age where statements like these are no longer valid, no matter where you live.  Ideas are being spread constantly and news happening everywhere.  In the midst of your tired sighs, neighborhoods like Cardondelet and Shaw Garden have popped up and in big ways.   It's a responsibility to stay informed, because people need you to be patrons.  The internet and social media can be loud and obnoxious, yes.  I feel the same way about that and a great number of other things.  However, if I avoided all of that my next option would be...well, napping.  And well, there's only so much time for that.

{Quote founds via SwissMiss}

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