Monday, January 16, 2012

The [Second] Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's no secret that I'm an absolute sucker for two things: quarterbacks and celebrity gatherings.  Shameless, I know.  What's a girl to do though?  When it's cold outside, and you can no longer become inspired by knits , wools, and grays in the storefronts they're all I have to look forward to.

So needless to say yesterday was a HUGE day for me.  For starters, Eli Manning and the Giants did the improbable and beat the Green Bay Packers.  Those rad metallic helmets doing the victory dance was just a precursor to the great night of fashion to come at the Golden Globes.  Now I'm quite the classic and thus very partial to the Academy Awards.   However, I have enough party in me to thoroughly enjoy a night at the Globes.  And what's a party without some judgment calls?

Without further ado, my Best (and Otherwise) of the 2012 Golden Globes:

Best Dressed:
Charlize Theron (because we all would die to pull off a dress like that).

Most Confusing:
Jessica Biel (as in who is her stylist?  And where is her alleged ring?)

Most Studly:
Colin Firth (because he's perfect).

Best Speech:
It was a close race with Octavia Spencer, but...Christoper Plummer can still kick it Edelweiss style and bring a tear to any girl's eye.

Best Award:
Lifetime Achievement for Morgan Freeman (because his voice can do it all).

{Fashion Images: People.come; Video Credit:; quote via Pinterest}

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