Tuesday, December 6, 2011

'Tis the Season

The holidays are my favorite time year, as they are for many others.  Each year they usually mean something different than the years past.  This year I've found I haven't over-indulged myself [yet] in decorating, movies, or even shopping.  Rather I've found myself thinking twice about the simple things, the very basic tasks, that I do everyday for myself that not everyone can do with such ease.  Buying a couple extra items of non-perishables at the grocery and drug stores.  Noticing the boxes at store fronts asking for toys for strangers and helping to fill up a little space in it.  Handing out extras of food to the man on the street who wishes a "happy holidays," but very well may not have a roof to spend them under.  It's rather easy to think twice.  The challenge is always doing it.  Once you do though you find how rather simple it can be for most.

{Image via Note to Self}

1 comment:

  1. Yay...that was always the hope...that receiving less and giving more, especially during the holidays, would produce girls that would pay it forward. Success. :)



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